Experience Fiji with the Locals

Tours guided by the locals to give you the ultimate Fijian experience

The water paradise Fiji is indeed home to the most versatile corals, islands, and waterlands. However, this wonderful land is home to many exciting places like waterfalls, green luscious forests, cultural villages, and mountain hikes- something that expands beyond the vastness of those blue seas.

Explore Fiji’s explored and unexplored parts with the locals who understand every nitty gritty detail of this gorgeous wonderland.

Book your tours with Go Fiji Now.

The unforgettable tour in the city of Nadi:

  • Explore the largest city on the island of Viti Levu- Nadi with a guided 7-hour tour.
  • Stroll through the local fruit and vegetable market of Nadi and get to experience the local food of the Fijian people.
  • Walk through the presidential village of Viseisei and buy some fo the most beautiful handicrafts from the locals.
  • Explore the garden of the sleeping giant and get wonderful pictures clicked for your gram.
  • Fill your day with adventures as you stroll through Aviva farms, understanding the people, culture, and plants of Fiji.
  • Immerse yourself in the therapeutic experience of mud pools by taking a dip at Sabeto mud pools.
  • Go on a small hike that leads you to a magical waterfall and even more majestic views.
  • Visit the largest Hindu temple in Fiji and get awestruck by its intricate detailing.

A private tour of the coral coasts- an unforgettable experience

  • Visit the Lawai Pottery village and immerse yourself in the incredible display for ceramic arts.
  • Give your curious mind a rest at Kula Eco Park by witnessing a broad spectrum of Fijian birds and animals.
  • Hike and explore the most stunning sand dunes in this waterland.
  • Soak yourself in the utmost peaceful life by spending a day at the beach.
  • Get intrigued and understand the unique trades of people in the town of Singatoka.

The capital of Fiji: Suva

  • Visit the most luscious Suva botanical gardens and immerse yourself in the luxury of nature.
  • Visit Fijian Warriors at Colo I Suva village and enjoy the most unique knife and fire dancing.
  • Eat the most scrumptious meals prepared with the unique technique of Lovo.
  • Enjoy a traditional kava ceremony and experience the Fijian culture up close.
  • Hike and explore the waterfalls at Suva National park and find your own unbeaten path.
  • Drive through the scenic roads of Nausori town while traversing through Princess Road.
  • Pick a souvenir for your friends and family as a Fijian gift.

Explore the diverse culture, activities, and beauty of Fiji by getting a Bula pass. Explore reserved places while the Cheap Bula pass makes your travel seamless across Nadi.

Why Go Local Fiji?

Experienced locals

We are the oldest and most experienced Fijian locals who would walk you into a Fiji world- a world that is unknown to the Gram. Travel with the locals and you will become a traveler. At Go Local we ensure that when you head back from Fiji, you have a travel experience that’s unique for a lifetime.


Be it airport transfers, airplane transfers, or our private guided tours- you get to experience Fiji at the most competitive and cost-effective rates. Find perfect deals for your bookings with us.

An experience for everyone

We are to cater to every sort of traveler. Whether you want to travel luxuriously exploring the island resorts of Fiji hike through waterfalls to explore remote villages or immerse yourself in the local cultures- we have a plan for everyone. Explore our tour guides and create your customized mix with us.

Safety at its paramount

Safety is non-negotiable especially when we are hosting guests from across the World. Each component of our services is well-planned to ensure the safety and security of our guests. Be it our fleets, our drivers, hotels, or tour guides- you are safe with us.

Always at your service

You are not alone in the foreign land. We are there to address all your queries and doubts by being just a message away. Connect with our executives at any time and we will try to bring the solution to your problems at the earliest.

Easy bookings

Simply head over to the website and make your bookings. Or call our executive and allow them to look after your bookings thoroughly. Whatever you choose, we promise convenience and we stand by it.

The wonderland of Fiji awaits your presence. We are all equipped and ready to host you for an unforgettable lifetime experience. Whether you are looking for a luxurious getaway or something to quench your thirst for new experiences or some thrilling adventures- Fiji has something for everyone. It’s time to make your Fiji plans now.

Get assistance with Go Local


Go Local Fiji offers guided tours led by experienced locals to explore both well-known and hidden gems in Fiji. Services include city tours, coastal tours, and experiences in major Fijian cities like Nadi and Suva.

Booking a tour with Go Local Fiji is easy. Visit our website to browse available tours and make online bookings. Alternatively, you can call our executives for assistance in managing your bookings.

The Nadi city tour provides a 7-hour guided experience, allowing you to explore local markets, cultural villages, gardens, farms, mud pools, waterfalls, and Hindu temples. It offers a comprehensive view of Nadi’s diverse attractions.

The private tour of the coral coasts includes visits to Lawai Pottery village, Kula Eco Park, sand dunes, beaches, and Singatoka town. It’s a unique and unforgettable coastal experience.

The Suva tour covers the Suva botanical gardens, Colo I Suva village with Fijian Warriors, traditional meals, kava ceremonies, Suva National Park waterfalls, scenic drives, and souvenir shopping, offering a rich cultural and natural experience.

A Bula pass allows seamless travel across Nadi, exploring reserved places. It provides a convenient way to experience the diverse culture, activities, and beauty of Fiji.

Go Local Fiji stands out for its experienced local guides, cost-effective services, customized travel plans for all types of travelers, paramount safety measures, round-the-clock customer service, and easy booking options.

Go Local Fiji prioritizes safety in all aspects of its services, including fleets, drivers, accommodations, and tour guides. Stringent measures are in place to ensure a secure and worry-free experience for guests.

Go Local Fiji is always at your service. You can reach out for assistance by messaging our executives at any time. Contact details are available on the website for easy communication.

Yes, Fiji has something for everyone. Whether you seek a luxurious getaway, cultural immersion, or thrilling adventures, Go Local Fiji offers plans and experiences tailored to diverse preferences.

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